Google is facing antitrust investigations from both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of justice. 尽管在在线广告领域,谷歌显然面临着新的竞争,但同时谷歌也正面临着来自联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)和美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)的双重反垄断调查。
Such a decision would require endorsements from the FDIC, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department. It is still not certain such an approach will be taken. 这样的决定将需得到FDIC、美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)和财政部的认可。现在仍不能确定是否会动用这个办法。
After weekend discussions between Citigroup executives and officials at the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department, the parties are hoping to unveil an agreement Sunday evening, the people said. 这些人士称,花旗集团管理人员与美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)和财政部官员在经过了周末的讨论后,各方希望能在周日晚间达成协议。
Settlement discussions, which began this year with many regulators including the Federal Reserve, the Justice Department and the Manhattan's District Attorney's Office, are still at early stages and continuing, said people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,始于今年的和解谈判目前仍处于早期阶段且还在继续。谈判对象包括美联储(FederalReserve)、美国司法部以及曼哈顿地区检察官办公室。
Various federal agencies, including the FTC and Department of Commerce, have recommended similar privacy rights in the past, but broad legislation has failed to get traction. 美国联邦贸易委员会和商务部等众多联邦机构都进行过类似的保护隐私权提议,但一直没能立法。
Second, the politics of the federal budget do not favor the Department of Defense, which cannot count on either political party to protect its share of federal spending. 其二,国防部在联邦预算的政治角逐中并无优势,它无法依靠任何党派来保障其份额。
I'm a federal employee. I work for the Department of labour. 我是联邦政府的职员。我在劳工部工作。
In1997, Oregon began implementing conditional active euthanasia, though facing the federal government department of justice, but at present euthanasia legal intervention remain valid. 年,俄勒冈州开始实施有条件的主动安乐死,虽然面临着联邦政府司法部门的干预,但目前安乐死法律继续有效。
Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication 环境、运输、能源和交通部
I am a federal employee. I work for the Department of labor. 我是联邦政府的雇员,我在劳动部工作。
Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sport 国防、民保和体育部
The federal government department responsible for mail delivery ( and sometimes telecommunications). 联邦快速道路管理署负责邮递的联邦政府部门(有时是电讯)。
The federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare; created in 1979. 处理健康和福利事业的所有联邦政府计划的联邦政府部门;创建于1979年。
Analysis of ZhuKov who Played a Different Role between the Two Events of the Communist Party of Soviet Union; Swiss Federal Political Department 在苏共两大政治事件中朱可夫所起关键作用析瑞士联邦政府政治部
The federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws ( including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); created in 1870. 负责执行联邦法律的联邦政府部门(包括所有民事权力立法的执行);创建于1870年。
The federal department responsible for safeguarding national security; created in 1947. 负责捍卫国家安全的联邦政府部门;创建于1947年。
Trade Division of the Federal Department of Public Economy 联邦公共经济部贸易司
The Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department will decide which has more expertise and whether to launch a formal investigation once scrutiny into the Google's plan to buy ITA Software is done. 在结束对谷歌收购ITA软件公司的调查后,联邦贸易委员会和司法部将决定谁的专业经验更多以及是否启动正式调查。
The federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849. 负责自然资源的保持和发展的联邦政府部门;创建于1849年。
A federal department in the executive branch of government. 政府执行分部的联邦政府部门。
United States Department of labor, the federal department which regulates and funds state workforce activities. 美国劳工部,管理州劳动力活动并且提供资金的联邦部门。
A report by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services says more than two million Americans suffer head injuries each year. 联邦卫生和人类服务部的一份报告说:美国人头部遭受损伤的人数每年都超过两百万。
The federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners; created in 1913. 负责提高工人工作条件的联邦政府部门;创建于1913年。
This is now the responsibility of a branch of the federal Department of Finance. 这是现在的联邦金融部门的一个分支的责任。
What is a cabinet minister a cabinet minister is a MP chosen by the prime minister to be responsible for running a federal government department. 何谓内阁部长由首相挑选的国会议员,负责管理一个联邦政府部门。
The federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade ( including management of the census and the patent office); created in 1913. 促进和管理国内外贸易的联邦政府部门(包括人口普查和商务部专利局);创建于1913年。
The federal department that sets and maintains foreign policies. 制订和执行外交政策的联邦政府部门。